Saturday, November 7, 2009

Call for Collaboration: JavaDoc validation with OpenJavaDocCheck

Dear all,

while it is still very much in progress, I have made good progress with writing a new BSD-licensed replacement for Sun's DocCheck utility for testing the library's JavaDoc quality. The DocCheck's never really satisfied me, and the most recent version is ancient. Because it is closed source, no one can continue on those efforts. DocCheck is MIA.

PMD is given nice, simple overviews instead. It provides me with a quick overview of what is wrong with the CDK JavaDoc, and also provides a decent XML format which allows extraction of information, which is used by, for example, SuperNightly as showed yesterday in PMD 2.4.5 installed in the CDK 1.2.x branch.

I have been pondering about it for a long time now, but writing a JavaDoc checking library is hardly core cheminformatics research; at least, you would not get funding for it, despite everyone always complaining about good documentation. Alas.

A few weeks ago, I was reviewing some more code, and again saw the very common error of the missing period at the end of the first sentence in JavaDoc. This one is sort of important for proper JavaDoc documentation generation, but the complexity of the current DocCheck reporting, people are not familiar enough with it. Being tired of having to repeat myself, I decided to address the problen, but creating better Nightly error reporting for the CDK JavaDoc.

So, I started OpenJavaDocCheck, or ojdcheck. As mentioned, I have made quite promising progress, and the current version provides the ability to write custom tests (which I plan to use for validating content of CDK taglet content), and create XML as well as XHTML which can be saved to any file. To give you a glimps of where things are going, here's a screenshot of the current XHTML output:

This list shows a mix of tests that are now implemented in OpenJavaDocCheck itself, but the third line is actually a test that is plugged in and specific for the CDK. This is an important feature, I think, and allows users of OpenJavaDocCheck to add functionality is that is not interesting to the general public, but very interesting for the JavaDoc being analyzed. Well, at least, it is to the CDK project :)

The current list of tests is still quite small, and consists of these tests:
  • test if each class and method has JavaDoc
  • test for missing @return tags
  • test for missing @param tags
  • test for @returns instead of @return
  • test @param template code, such as added by IDEs like Eclipse
  • test @exception template code, such as added by IDEs like Eclipse
  • test for redundant @version tags
I am now seeking feedback on the current code base, and potentially collaboration with writing more JavaDoc validation tests. There is enough to do, and I have been thinking on tests for:
  • spell checking JavaDoc
  • checking for 404s of web pages linked with <a href> in the JavaDoc
  • well-formedness of the HTML in the webpages
And about:
  • a PMD-like system to allow people to choose which testing they want or not
  • an Eclipse plugin

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